Wowzers that went by fast! Week 1 felt like a pretty long time and I was able to write in my journal pretty much every night on what happened but week 2 was difficult. All of the days seem the same now. But some fun things have happened and I will let you know about how it all went!
Tuesday: Last P-day we went to the temple and it was so amazing! I loved being able to go there again and especially with my district! After that we got our stuff done so we went and played the piano in a room for a bit! I taught elder broadbent how to play that heart and soul song! He was pretty excited about it so we are having a talent show today and it will be prettty sick! I also got to ball with my boiiii Elder Harris on Pday and it was good to see him! He left yesterday and I didn't see him after that so that was a bummer but Ty Plus Cam forever! Also my district is the worst! We all went to choir practice on Sunday but then when we were going to perform on Tuesday NOBODY wanted to go! I asked all of the elders in our district if they would go on splits with me to go to choir but none of them wanted to!
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Temple trip with my district |
Wednesday: So I guess last week I never told you about elder (man)child! He is our age but he legit looks like he could be 30 year old. We always joke around with him about that and I love him so much! He makes the MTC so funny with all of the things he does and says! I will attach a picture of him in a bit! Also me and elder Robison (Elder child's companion who is also in our room) were trying to pracitce teach someone during class and we handed him a scripture and elder anderson said he couldn't read! We laughed so hard about this for so long! I don't know what it is about these guys in my district but we will laugh about anything! One time we had the lights out at 10:30 and we were trying to sleep and me and Elder Robison just started busting out laughing without anything being said! Good times!
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Elder (Man) Child |
Thursday: Much didn't happen this day. We just had study and exercise and lunch until class at 1:30. We didn't have TRC either which was a bummer. I Love TRC and both of our investigators are awesome! One was named Brooke from Texas and the other was Gwen from Italy! It is crazy how much you care for the people you teach even though you only know them for a week! But Brooke complimented my tie that mom and emily and co gave me! It was the best! She was really confused but I was so happy when she said that!
Friday: My tie won again this day *dab*. But we showed both of our investigators a video about the prophets testifying of christ and we were able to bear testimony to them let them know that Christ lives and he loves them and wants them to come unto him! It was powerful and the lessons both went really well! Also we taught Josh who was an atheist. That was different for me! Luckily my companion is awesome and handled it like a champ! He was having a really hard time with faith but we read Alma 32 with him and it went really well. We got so sick of our old alarm so we set a new one and it was pretty sickkk! I said I would get out of bed dancing if they used that one but I was too tired the next morning....bummer.
Saturday: Last TRC with Brooke and Gwen! We commited Gwen to baptism so that was exciting! But Brooke we just needed a little more time with. It is a bummer not being able to teach them next week but I hope that Brooke gets it all figured out because she is so awesome! We also finished with Josh our PI (practice investigator, progressing investigator, pretend investigator??????) and he gave us some really good assurance that we were doing awesome but gave us some things we could work on as well. Teaching is definetly hard but Iam getting the hang of it.
Sunday: The best day here at the MTC! Also it was fast sunday! I was expecting to die of hunger but I was actually pretty ok! Sacrament meeting is so awesome and the testimonies shared were amazing! I wanted to go up but there were too many people in front of me... there was literally a line to go bear your testimony! I guess that is what happens when there are 94 missionaries in your branch :P. Anyways we had mission conference and the MTC president and his wife talked to us! Her's was amazing and was all about faith! It is ok not to know everything but if you just start out as a desire to know you are on the right track! We also talked about the Doctrine of Christ and Iam really learning to love that as well! It is all over the scriptures and is such a hopeful message! Din Din was soooo nice I will admit that! They have cougar tails and BYU creamery stuff so Hayden would do just fine here!
Monday: Yesterday was sad because we had to say bye to both of our awesome teachers! They are switching up the schedule with school starting and they both got moved! They both taught me so much and I love them so much! One was named Sister Clark and the other was Brother Echohawk. Mondays are cool though because they cater food and we got Chick-fil-a!! That was a nice break from the normal stuff they have there!
I hope you are all doing well and I love to hear anything from you guys! Just remember that Christ is always there for you and is just waiting for you to turn to him so he can make your life better! Love you all!
Elder Larson
Mom’s Questions:
Who did you give the 2nd tie we sent you to?
I was going to give it to Elder Child but he doesn't know how to tie a tie! We have been teaching him but it was right before we had to leave to go to something so I just told him to use one we already had tied for him!
Did you join the MTC choir?
No, but not my fault! We went to the practice on Sunday which I liked but I guess everyone else hated it. So looks like choir isn't happening for me. But we do sing a lot when we are just walking around and it sounds ok sometimes!
What goals have you set for yourself while you are in the MTC?
Well as a district we have been working on humility these week and trying to let the spirit more into our lives. We also set the goal to read all of Alma in the week and a half we had left! I started in Alma 3 because that is where I was and I am at 32 right now! The Motto of the MTC is become as him and I guess that is the main goal! I just try to pick something I can do better and work on everyday but it is hard since I have so much I can work on!
What is something you have learned about your companion?
questions My companion hates the weather here hahaha! He always talks about Oregon and how much better it is there! He also is super good at longboarding! He also loves talking to the sisters way more than the Elders so we have gotten to know lots and lots of sisters haha! And he has a powerhouse testimony of Chirst and when he shares it I can always feel the spirit! So he always hits them hard at the end!
When will you get your flight plans for Houston?
questions I have them! I will try to send them to you! But we leave MONDAY MORNING! So soon but Iam so excited!
Dad’s Questions:
1. You mentioned that you Companion was liked basketball and was happy that you could play. Is he a baller?
So first of all my comanion is a baller! He is 6'4 so that helps! I always end up guarding him since I am tall but he has about 60 pounds on me so I get pushed around quite a bit in the post but I do Ok!
2. I remember my first fast Sunday in the MTC. I had such a great testimony meeting . . . but then it was a long time until we ate :). What did you think of your first fast Sunday?
fast sunday was awesome! I loved it! When you don't eat you have more time to study which is nice! Also mission conference was super good and I loved hearing from the MTC president and his wife!
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My Companion Elder Padbury |
My district with Elder Robison's deformed face
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