Talk Theme: What Have I Done for Somebody
Today? (Thomas S. Monson, October 2009)
service is very much a part of our family life at this time. This summer, I
have watched my oldest son, Cameron, and many of his friends in this stake
leave to serve 2-year missions around the world. In our recent Stake
Conference, Elder Duncan called our Stake and this area a "factory"
for missionaries. I have listened to the many missionaries leaving and
returning, I'm so impressed with the strength of testimony. With the
preparation of those leaving and the strong testimony of those that are
I have been
asked today to Speak about a talk given by our Prophet, Thomas S. Monson from
the October 2009 conference. The
question posed from the title of the talk is a one that we can all contemplate
each day of our lives "What Have I Done for Someone Today?"
As I read our
prophets words, the spirt is strong as I contemplate his life of service. A few
years ago I read his biography titled "To The Rescue". Certainly
President Monson is a great living example of service.
I mentioned that
my son Cameron left for a mission this summer. He entered the Provo MTC on
August 23rd to prepare to serve in the Texas, Houston East Mission, English
speaking. The first weekend he was in the MTC, Hurricane Harvey made landfall
in Texas as a category 5 Hurricane. The storm moved to Houston and east of Houston
and dropped a record amount of rain. The rain caused catastrophic and
devastating flooding forcing many to evacuate their homes.
As I followed
the story, I knew that things would be very different for Cameron. I told him
in a letter that I knew he would now be doing service, and that it would be
different than what we all thought he would be doing. Each morning I clipped
each of the articles in the Wall Street Journal chronically the devastation of
the storm. I would write some comments, place the articles in an envelope and
mail them to Cameron. I told him that the people would certainly need his help
and he should be prepared to work hard.
In addition to
what was reported each day in the newspaper, I learned that his mission home,
mission office were both completely flooded. The Mission President was forced
to evacuate to a member’s home. Almost 20 of the cars in his mission were
ruined and several chapels and the temple were all flooded and would require
cleaning and months of restoration before they could be used again.
A week after the
storm stopped, Cameron left the MTC bound for his mission. We had sent to him
additional work shoes and clothes at the suggestion of the mission. He left on
Monday, September 11th and we talked to him that morning. We had anticipated
hearing from him Monday evening or Tuesday after he had arrived.
My wife Melissa
began following a mission facebook page shortly after Cameron received his
call. She did not pay much attention to the page, but started looking at it a
little closer when Cameron arrived in Houston. On Tuesday night, she saw a post
on the page from a member that said "We are having Elder Bott and Elder
Larson over for dinner tonight, any parents on this page?” Elder Bott's mom,
from Saratoga Springs, had already responded and ask to connect with Elder
Larson's mom. Melissa replied that she had an Elder Larson that arrived the day
before, but hadn't heard from him. This sweet member from Texas replied to both
Melissa and Elder Bott's mom with a picture confirming that it was our Elder
Larson. We learned that his companion was Elder Bott and that he was assigned
to Vidor, Texas.
Both Melissa and
I were so grateful to hear that Cameron had arrived safe. It was a great
comfort to see a picture of him with is his companion and that they were both
smiling. This sister from Texas shared with Melissa that both Cameron and Elder
Bott had been extremely busy since arriving in Vidor. Both were brand new to
the area. She related that Cameron and Elder Bott had not had time to write or
purchase any groceries.
Then we learned
of some wonderful service that this sweet sister in Texas was doing for my Son
and his companion. She informed us that she would have them for dinner that
night and the following night. She also told us that she sent them home with
water, Gatorade and breakfast for the next morning. She would be doing their
grocery shopping for them the next day as they would be busy cleaning out
houses for the next several weeks.
We were so
grateful for this Sister and wished that there was something that we could do.
My wife followed this sister in Texas on Facebook and she followed my wife.
That next day, Melissa had been invited to a BYU football practice, with our
family, to meet the coaches and team. We went with our 2 youngest and Melissa
had posted some pictures on facebook. This sister in Texas commented that she
had attended BYU and that her daughter was attending BYU. My wife quickly
commented back that we would love to contact her daughter and have her over for
dinner. Melissa asked what her daughter was studying. Melissa learned that her
daughter was studying accounting, the same program that my wife teaches and the
same program that we both had graduated. Melissa told the sister in Texas that she
would have no problem tracking down her daughter.
Melissa went and
got the daughter's transcript with all the professors that had taught her and
contacted her by email to come and see her. The daughter came by Melissa's
office and was very excited to be invited to dinner, and in fact she will be at
our house later this afternoon. Melissa decided to stop by a colleague that had
taught this girl to ask about her. Her colleague asked Melissa why she had come
to ask about his particular student and learned that this student had just left
Melissa's collegue's office talking about some of the stress of school. In
fact, Melissa's colleague told her that she had said a prayer wondering how she
could help this student, and 20 minutes later Melissa showed up asking about
her. Melissa learned that she is a great student. And so a few hours from now,
our house will have this girl's roommates and a few other students for a
"surprise" birthday party, since here birthday is this Tuesday.
My wife shared
this whole experience in her email last week to my son and said this, "I
know the Lord is in the details of our lives".
In the book of
Mosiah, King Benjamin teaches us this as it relates to service. "When ye
are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your
I am reminded
from this experience that our Heavenly Father does hear our prayers and it is
through others that those prayers are answered. By this sister in Texas
reaching out to our son, she was an answer to our prayers. We were so grateful
for the picture and the news that Cameron had arrived safely. We were comforted
to know that he had a "Mother" looking out for him making sure that
his needs were met. She was even texting my wife at the store asking what
Cameron likes and doesn't like and she was doing the same for his companion
Elder Bott.
Likewise, I'm
certain that this sweet sister in Texas is praying for her daughter who is away
from school. Melissa's colleague and I'm sure the student are all praying for
help. Again, the Lord hears and answers those prayers through others.
We were finally
able to connect with our Son this past Monday. We learned what the sweet sister
from Texas had already told us. He related to us that when he arrived at his
mission, he met his mission president at a chapel since both the mission home
and office had both been destroyed in the flood. The mission president did an
interview and they met their companions and were sent to their areas. In fact,
we finally received a message on Thursday from the mission, 4 days after his
arrival, with a picture of him and the Mission President and all the missionaries
that entered the mission.
Cameron also
confirmed what we were told, that since arriving in his mission, they were
working 8-10 hours each day "mucking" out houses. Mucking out a house
is removing all sheetrock, insulation, flooring and all possessions and
everything 1 foot above the water line. In some houses, this can extend to the
ceiling and second floor. They are racing against the clock to clean it before
mold ruins the house. They have about 30 days to perform this work or black
mold sets in and the house is a complete loss.
Cameron is in an
area heavily affected by the flooding and 1/2 of the members are displaced.
This past weekend, Elder Rasband visited the town, Vidor, Texas, along with
thousands of Latter-day Saints from around the area that have come to help with
work for the weekend. Cameron told us that they are staying in schools and
chapels or anywhere they can fit them. Sunday service is 30 minutes where they
serve the sacrament and then go back to work.
Fox 26 news in
Houston did a Story on the "Army of relief workers helping Houston
Recover". Some of the things that they said included: "Of the groups
descending on Houston to help with relief, none is bigger or more effective
than the Mormons”. The report described them as “organized and highly motivated”.
Of the church the reporter stated, "when it's crunch time you can count on
‘Mormon Americans’ to step up in a big way. A virtual army of Mormons 'gutting
and mucking' for their deeply distressed fellow man". “The gift of ‘walking their talk’ of faith
and resilience”.
In each of the
pictures that we have received, the damage is devastating. All of the
belongings of houses piled high on the front lawns. In each of the Pictures, I
can see how tired Cameron is, but he is also smiling and looks so happy to be
In President
Monson's talk, he shared a quote by President David O' McKay "Man's
greatest happiness comes from losing himself in the good of others".
President Monson
related what the savior taught his disciples in Luke: "For whosoever will
save his life shall lose it, but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the
same shall save it". President Monson taught this about "losing
ourselves" in the service of others:
"I believe
the Savior is telling us that unless we lose ourselves in the service to
others, there is little purpose to our own lives. Those who live only for
themselves, eventually shrivel up and figuratively lose their lives, while
those who lose themselves in service to others grow and flourish--and in effect
save their lives".
President Monson
also said "The needs of others are ever present, and each of us can do
something to help someone"
What is
happening in Houston and the many other disasters around the world affected by
hurricane Harvey, Irma, Jose and Maria and also the earthquake in Mexico is
terrible. However, that darkness and misery can be driven out by the light of
service. While we do not live in these areas, we can help in so many ways.
We have so many
needs in our own families, wards and stakes. They are not always as apparent as
a flood, hurricane or earthquake, but there is always help that is needed.
President Monson
stated this about all of the members of the church:
"I am
confident it is the intention of each member of the Church to serve and to help
those in need. At baptism we covenanted to "bear one another's burdens,
that they may be light". How many times has your heart been touched as you
have witnessed the need of another? How often have you intended to be the one
to help? And yet how often has day-do-day living interfered and you've left it
for others to help, feeling that "oh, surely someone will take care of
that need".
"We become
so caught up in the busyness of our lives. Were we to step back, however, and
take a good look at what we're doing, we may find that we have immersed
ourselves in the "thick of thin things." In other words, too often we
spend most of our time taking care of the things which do not really matter
much at all in the grand scheme of things, neglecting those more important
We all have busy
lives. But, let's take this council from our Prophet and make sure that we are
not getting too caught up in the "think of thin things". Service can
be very simple acts and we really can do something each day.
Friday night I
spend the night camping with my son and his scout troop. On Saturday morning I
received a text from Sister Reynolds, Stake YW President, wondering if someone
had been assigned to set up the chairs and video for women's conference. It
took me about 30 seconds to send a text to confirm the IT was taken care of. I
wasn't sure about the chairs, but I grabbed my deacon age son Hayden and his
friend and they both happily and willingly came with me to the church. I sent 2
additional texts and within minutes we had 8-10 of us at the church and were
done in 20 minutes. That was 20 minutes and 30 seconds of time. I had a busy
day with lots of things to clean up from camp, soccer games and helping Melissa
prepare to host HS kids for Homecoming dinner. It would be easy to say, oh,
someone else can do it. But only took 20 minutes and 30 seconds. I still
attended a soccer game, helped pick up the food and get most of camp cleaned
up. My tent is still in the backyard "drying".
Brothers and
Sisters. Let's all try to focus on the message from President Monson and ask
ourselves, "What have I Done for someone Today?" It may be an 8-10
hour/6 day a week job, inviting someone to dinner, or it might be as simple as
20 minutes 30 seconds of help. However, our service can be the answer to a
prayer of someone in need. Our Heavenly Father truly is mindful of each of us
and needs our assistance to provide the much needed service to His children.
I testify that
as we serve, we will feel the love or our Savior as this is his message to us.
Our testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ will increase and we will find
greater happiness in our lives.
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Picture Sister Ashworth sent us when she had Cameron for dinner his second night in Vidor |
Picture we sent to Sister Ashworth of her daughter having dinner with us |
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