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Elder Larson, Ammon (YSA Ward) and Elder Douglass after the temple |
This week we saw a ton of ways that the Lords hand was in the work. I will give a few examples.
-We had exchanges with the Baytown Elder planned for Tuesday night this week and so we drove down there and we had a dinner with Brother and Sister Davis. While we were there the Baytown Elders told us they were sick and they were not going to be able to do an exchange. We could have thought that it was a mistake to go down there but we both really felt like the Lord needed us to go down there. Brother and Sister Davis have a son who is about to come home from a mission and they have been praying about what they should invite their son to do. Elder Douglass felt prompted to share his experience with how BYUI really helped him gain a testimony and got him out on a mission. They really felt like that was an answer to thier prayers. It was cool because we would have never gone down to Baytwon unless we thought we were going to exchange.
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New mission bike (JK) |
-We taught this guy named Yi who came from China and has recently been introduced to Christianity. He was actually planning on going to Utah that weekend so he is going to check out temple square. Also perfect timing!
Here are some other highlights of the week:
-We got to go the temple! The recent convert we were planning on taking for the first time had a really bad situation with her friend like an hour before we were supposed to leave so she cancled. We called her up and we both felt strongly that she still needed to go. At the temple she said she felt peace and didn't worry so much about her friend
-Exchanges with Elder Price! He is such a good kid and is a really good football player. We figured out that we actually played basketball against each other growing up.
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Elder Douglass on a swing |
Something I have really felt like recently is that the Lord is over everything and knows our circumstances. We had so many times this week where we could see his hand in the work. I know that as we trust him and follow him he will lead us to happiness. He helps us who are weak be able to meet the challenges we face. Love you all!
Mom's Questions:
What is the deal with the tie you are wearing in the picture with Cecilia? It looks like Elder Douglass is wearing your tie or he has one like it….. Where did you get the tie you are wearing?
I got that tie in the picture from a member in Vidor and I just decided to wear it haha. Elder Douglass has the same tie that I have so maybe one of these days we will match.
Have you started reading “Saints”? I am on chapter 12…..
I did start reading it this week! I think I am on chapter 30 or something. It is a really good book!
Last week you said you did district training. What was the topic of the training?
The topic of the training was whatever we wanted to train our districts on. We decided to talk about staying dilligent and making sure our missionaries are out talking to people all day.
Anything out of the ordinary happen this week or business as usual?
There's always pretty crazy stuff that happens but it is pretty usual now so I have a really hard time coming up with stuff during my emails. I have kept a journal every day of my mission so that has been good!
Other than that things are going really well out here. I think I might get the boot for transfers since I have been here for 4 transfers but we will see! I would love to stay here another one haha I feel like I could spend the rest of my mission here
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