This week I went on 2 exchanges! One was with the assistants and the other was with Elder Sheppard who is one of our District leaders.
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Elder Larson & Elder Sheppard |
Here are some highlights of the week:
1. We found a GOLDEN investigator! We showed up to institute and we were talking about covenants and things. He was pretty engaged but didn't understand a lot. After institute we talked to him for a good 20 minutes before he told us he is a returned missionary 😂 so that was kind of a bummer. Moral of the story is don't crush little missionaries hearts and make them think they found someone to teach and baptize
2. On exchanges we got to go to the hospital and give this lady a Book of Mormon and she was sooooo excited to read it!
3. My boy Richard passed the sacrament this week! It was the first time he wore a white shirt and he was looking flyyy. He has come a long was. Crazy to think that just a couple weeks ago he was standing at the pulpet on fast Sunday pointing at me saying "missionaries I'm ready to get baptized". The spirit worked on him super hard and he is totally converted now. Goes to show that the spirit can touch anyone's heart!
4. On exchanges we got to ride bikes all day and I got like 10 people to honk at me while I was doing a wheelie. We also got to bike over a bridge so total elevation gain on the bike on my mission is at a solid 20 feet.
This week we are going to the temple twice so that will be super awesome. Because of that we have a really short pday so I don't have much time. Love you all and have a good week!
Mom’s Questions
How many investigators do you currently have?
We've got 2 investigators that have a baptismal date. They will probably make it. Then we have a couple of others that we are hoping to get a date soon.
How many members are in your family ward and YSA ward?
YSA is like 60 but school is starting soon so that is going to hurt the numbers haha. Then Fall Creek it feels like everyone is gone. We normally have around 200 but the last couple of weeks has been like 130 since everyone is in Utah
What are you currently studying?
I've been reading through the new testament and studying Jesus Christ life and it has been amazing to learn how the savior acted and taught.
In what way do you think you have grown the most on your mission?
In stature. Ummm probably just my ability to serve people. I really enjoy being able to help others.
How’s the weather in Houston? Are you biking, driving or walking?
It's honestly not too bad. My companion doesn't like biking so we usually walk. But we still bike every once in a while.
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