"The Crew" Elder Baker and Elder Larson |
This week was super crazy! Time flies by! God is good and life is good!
It started out and we had Zone Conference on Tuesday! Zone Conference is always super fun because I get to see a ton of my friends! President talked a lot about the importance of the sacrament and it really is the most important meeting in the church! Then we had interviews and I love our mission president so much!
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Elder Wooden (mom helped with an accounting exam) |
Wednesday was kind of a crazy day, we had a super sweet miracle where we found a family that we were able to go teach! We had been knocking in this apartment complex looking for some formers and members that lived there but we didn't have any success. Then right as we were about to leave this family got out of their car and we went back and knocked on their door and were able to go in and teach them!
Thursday, we had hour of power which is one of my fav things on the mission. We do it on Thursday since that is the day the apostles are praying for us in the temple. So, at 6 pm here we go pray with a member that we can find someone to teach and it’s just an hour where miracles happen! We were able to find two people to teach during hour of power which was awesome!
This week we got in a hit and run accident. We were driving home after our day and we got hit pretty hard from behind so we signaled to pull over and the guy took off.... So, it pushed in the bike rack and dented the back of the car so we will probably be on bikes for a couple of days which I’m not complaining too much about haha!
RIP Malfoy |
Saturday it was super rainy here and we are supposed to be on our bikes or walking instead of being in a car in the mornings. So, we were obedient and I have never gotten more wet in my entire life haha! It was like I just jumped into a swimming pool so that was a ton of fun!
Port Arthur |
The spirits promptings are for reals though! We were weekly planning at the church and like during the middle of it we just decided that we should go back to the apartment to finish it and right when we walked out two guys had broken into our car.... so i just walked up and was like hey guy! And they took off running and didn't steal anything yet so #tendermercies.
Super sad but this is what most of Port Arthur still looks like... they haven't picked up a lot of the damage yet |
But for reals missions are the best and I have learned a ton about following the spirit and I am so grateful for the message that I am able to share with the people here! Love you all and have a great week!
Mom's Questions
What’s the update on the bedbug situation?
As far as the bed bugs go we have been fine this week but Elder baker woke up itchy today so hopefully it wasn't the bed bugs haha! We will keep using the stuff that you sent us to try to get rid of them!
Were you able to get in contact with Juan this week?
So yes, we have been in contact with Juan this week but he has been smoking and he didn't come to church this week but we will keep trying with him!
How many people/families are you currently teaching lessons and meeting with on a regular basis?
On a regular basis was Juan, Debra, and a kid named Dallas. Debra moved this week and Juan has been kinda shady lately so really it has just been Dallas so we are working on finding more people!
How’s the weather been?
So, it has been really rainy here the last couple of days so my shoes are still soaked to this day
How much are you riding vs biking in this area?
It’s mostly in a car since our area is so big but we bring our bikes along with us when we are finding and trying to talk to people
How has your health been? Do you need us to send you anything (allergy medicine?)
My health has been good! I started to get a sore throat this week but it passed really quick! I’ve got allergy medicine so all is good!
My health has been good! I started to get a sore throat this week but it passed really quick! I’ve got allergy medicine so all is good!
What advice did your mission president give you in your interview?
We talked a lot about following the spirit and putting our Faith in Jesus Christ so I have been trying to apply the things he has been teaching me and it has been really good!
What is that pin that you wear on your suit? A 4-leaf clover? Where did you get it?
It is a four-leaf clover. It says Ireland on it. The Nations brought it back to me and Elder Bott back when they took their trip over thanksgiving.
Looks like you are due for a haircut? Is that on the schedule for Pday today?
Yep we actually were supposed to get our haircut last week but the member couldn't do it and so we kinda just ran out of time. but haircuts are coming today! President actually mentioned that haha!
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