Monday, February 19, 2018

PA=Boneless Beaumont

Just another week living the life out here in Port Arthur!  It's a ton of fun out here and we had a good week!

Wedesday we were asked to do 4 hours of service so me and my companion found this soup kitchen down in Port Arthur that gives out free meals every day. It was a lot of fun and the people there were super funny. It was a Catholic institiution so pretty much everyone except me and Elder Baker had ash on their forheads for ash Wednesday. Then we were pretty much walking the streets begging to serve people but we got a new investigator out of doing that haha! Guess thats a pretty good way to spend Valentines day! 

Elder Baker and Elder Larson volunteering at the Soup Kitchen

Thursday was a good day because we finally got in with one of the recent converts in the ward. He was baptized right before I got here but hasn't really been to church since. We have been working really hard to get back in with him and we did! The reason they haven't really been coming back is because their house was flooded and he works weekdays and then weekends he puts together his house. So hopefully he will let us come over and do some service for him! 

Friday I had President Ross at my District Meeting which was pretty sweet. Then we got to go out and visit some less active members in our ward with him. We had a pretty slow day since we were tracting most of it. Then we went to go to dinner and we had like 10 minutes before we were actually supposed to be there so we decided to knock a few more doors around the members house. Well at one of them this Lady came to the door and she seemed like super nervous to talk to us. Then she told us she didn't believe in God. So it seemed like it wasn't going so well but she said, "It’s funny you guys come here right now since I just got off the phone talking to my friend about this kind of stuff" So we left her with a Book of Mormon and told her she could come to know who God and Jesus Christ were by reading the Book of Mormon. She actually came to church with us and we are going back to see her tomorrow so we are stoked about that!

We got bashed pretty hard by this guy when we knocked on his door. His wife answered and said let me go get my husband and then he came out and told us how he has studied the bible in 33 different languages and how mormons were not christian. It was pretty sad but made me grateful for the Book of Mormon and having a prophet!

But it was a pretty solid week and I am having a lot of fun here in Port Arthur! Next week is transfers so I will email everyone on Tuesday instead of Monday. All of the pictures we are out by the water on this island in our area called Pleasure Island. It was kind of a ghost town when we went out there but made for some good pictures! Love you all and have a great week!

Elder Cameron Larson

What is the update on the bed bugs?
So, the bed bugs are gone I think haha. Elder Baker has been getting some bites but I have been fine since they sprayed the place. I think they are coming later today to check again.

Did you get your valentine package?
Yes, thank you so much for the package! I didn't expect one and then we went to go check the mail and the apartment lady said we had packages! So that was lucky or else I probably wouldn't have even checked! So, we got it on Valentine’s day.

How do you and your companion spend your P-Days?
We usually spend our P-days at the church just playing around. We have spanish Elders here and we will play spikeball, basketball, football, frisbee, or ping pong. And sometimes the sisters will come too.

What was something funny that made you laugh this week?
Well pretty much every time I go to Port Arthur I am just laughing haha.  I love the people. I'm pretty much laughing all the time here!

When did you feel the spirit the most this week?
 We had a really good lesson about the Savior that we had to teach in gospel principles so that was really good!

What is your average daily routine?
 Average day we usually plan some people to go visit and teach and if it doesn't work out then we walk around and knock doors and talk to people and stuff like that!

Are you over only 1 ward?  What ward members do you know the best?
Yeah, we are just over 1 ward. I probably know Brother Duggar the best since we workout with him 2 times a week. 

Monday, February 12, 2018

How great is our God!?!

"The Crew" Elder Baker and Elder Larson

This week was super crazy! Time flies by! God is good and life is good! 

It started out and we had Zone Conference on Tuesday! Zone Conference is always super fun because I get to see a ton of my friends! President talked a lot about the importance of the sacrament and it really is the most important meeting in the church! Then we had interviews and I love our mission president so much!
Elder Wooden (mom helped with an accounting exam)

Wednesday was kind of a crazy day, we had a super sweet miracle where we found a family that we were able to go teach! We had been knocking in this apartment complex looking for some formers and members that lived there but we didn't have any success. Then right as we were about to leave this family got out of their car and we went back and knocked on their door and were able to go in and teach them!

Thursday, we had hour of power which is one of my fav things on the mission. We do it on Thursday since that is the day the apostles are praying for us in the temple. So, at 6 pm here we go pray with a member that we can find someone to teach and it’s just an hour where miracles happen! We were able to find two people to teach during hour of power which was awesome!

This week we got in a hit and run accident. We were driving home after our day and we got hit pretty hard from behind so we signaled to pull over and the guy took off.... So, it pushed in the bike rack and dented the back of the car so we will probably be on bikes for a couple of days which I’m not complaining too much about haha!
RIP Malfoy

 Saturday it was super rainy here and we are supposed to be on our bikes or walking instead of being in a car in the mornings. So, we were obedient and I have never gotten more wet in my entire life haha! It was like I just jumped into a swimming pool so that was a ton of fun!
Port Arthur

The spirits promptings are for reals though! We were weekly planning at the church and like during the middle of it we just decided that we should go back to the apartment to finish it and right when we walked out two guys had broken into our car.... so i just walked up and was like hey guy! And they took off running and didn't steal anything yet so #tendermercies. 

Super sad but this is what most of Port Arthur still looks like... they haven't picked up a lot of the damage yet

But for reals missions are the best and I have learned a ton about following the spirit and I am so grateful for the message that I am able to share with the people here! Love you all and have a great week!

Mom's Questions
What’s the update on the bedbug situation?
As far as the bed bugs go we have been fine this week but Elder baker woke up itchy today so hopefully it wasn't the bed bugs haha! We will keep using the stuff that you sent us to try to get rid of them!

Were you able to get in contact with Juan this week?
So yes, we have been in contact with Juan this week but he has been smoking and he didn't come to church this week but we will keep trying with him!

How many people/families are you currently teaching lessons and meeting with on a regular basis?
On a regular basis was Juan, Debra, and a kid named Dallas. Debra moved this week and Juan has been kinda shady lately so really it has just been Dallas so we are working on finding more people!

How’s the weather been?
So, it has been really rainy here the last couple of days so my shoes are still soaked to this day 

How much are you riding vs biking in this area?
It’s mostly in a car since our area is so big but we bring our bikes along with us when we are finding and trying to talk to people

How has your health been?  Do you need us to send you anything (allergy medicine?)  
My health has been good! I started to get a sore throat this week but it passed really quick! I’ve got allergy medicine so all is good!

What advice did your mission president give you in your interview?
We talked a lot about following the spirit and putting our Faith in Jesus Christ so I have been trying to apply the things he has been teaching me and it has been really good!

What is that pin that you wear on your suit?  A 4-leaf clover?  Where did you get it?
It is a four-leaf clover. It says Ireland on it. The Nations brought it back to me and Elder Bott back when they took their trip over thanksgiving. 

Looks like you are due for a haircut?  Is that on the schedule for Pday today?
Yep we actually were supposed to get our haircut last week but the member couldn't do it and so we kinda just ran out of time. but haircuts are coming today! President actually mentioned that haha! 

Monday, February 5, 2018


Pretty Dope

Eagles are Superbowl champs!! I’m glad that I was blessed for me serving and they were able to beat the Pats.

This week started off with the Missionary Leadership Training. It was super fun! We got to go to Kingwood which is pretty far away from Port Arthur and I saw ton of my friends that are District Leaders! I learned a ton from the meeting so it was just a good day!

One really cool experience we had this week was my companion on the way back for Lunch said he felt like we should stop by these members. So, we went and did it and the guys wife had just passed away that morning. The Spirit totally led us there and it was good to be able to see him. We then attended the memorial service later in the week and it was really good. I am so grateful for the knowledge and joy of knowing I get to be with my family forever!

Our investigator Juan went this entire week without smoking so it has been like 10 days for him! His baptism interview was supposed to be this Friday and he bailed on that. We got to go over and see him the next day and we had a good lesson with him. During it I felt the spirit tell me to promise him that if he came to church the next day he would know that this church is true and this is the direction he should be heading. But the next day he didn't show up for church and we haven't been able to get in contact with him since so we are hoping for the best!

Well this week we got bed bugs.... and it’s the worst hahaha. It’s terrifying to go to sleep cuz there is really nothing we can do. but we got this place fogged out so hopefully that does the trick.

Procrastination on pictures. hahaha

We got to do a ton of service on Saturday which is always awesome. Our Bishop asked us to move in a new member to our ward so we did that and then we went and gave some people some blessings since the flu here has been super bad!

I love the opportunity that I have to serve the Lord here on my mission and I have seen that when we are on the Lords errand he does not let us fail so we can put our trust in him!

Love you all and have a great week!

Ty plus Cam forever

Mom’s Questions
How have you seen the Lord’s hand in directing the work this week?
It is crazy to me how we are always doing what the Lord wants us to because sometimes I literally have no idea what I'm doing but as long as we plan and try our best the Lord makes the most of our efforts. So, this week we just decided to stop by an active members home on our way back which we don't do very much. But his wife had just passed away that morning and they were super happy to see us. God really does love his children!
In what way have you grown the most on your mission so far?
Well I made my bed like once and I guess that is more than I ever did at home. But I’ve learned to trust in the Lord a lot more! It takes lots of faith to go out every day and expect you will find someone but the Lord always provides! 
What was the biggest take away from your leadership training you had last week?
Well we talked a lot about being accountable. And the reason we are accountable is because we notice the success and failure in our lives and we are able to improve so that helps a ton with life and missionary work.
What has been one of the most challenging things on your mission so far?
Probably the most challenging thing for me is to not look around and see others success and wonder why I am not having success. Because I haven't baptized yet and that’s something I would love to do. But I've learned a lot of good things and when we are on the Lords errand he won't let us fail so we just put our trust in Him and do whatever he needs us to do!
What do you do to stay positive when you get discouraged?
The atonement of Jesus Christ is the most hopeful message we have. He knows how we feel and think and can help us! As we put our faith in him and not the agency of others then we will always find success!

Did you see anyone you knew at leadership training?
Yeah I saw a ton of my friends!! I saw Elder Jones, Anderson, Archibald, Remund, and tons of other people I knew so it was a ton of fun to see them again! 

Level 900 Vortex

New Name Tag (Sister Hewlett) Hey friends and family! We are in the middle of a big vortex so I dont have much time to write because of...