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Art's Baptism |
Wow this week was a crazy one!!
To start it off on Wednesday we got a call from President Hewlett that one of our investigators that is all good to get baptized! She had to get first presidency approval but she will be getting baptized this Sunday! She was soooo excited when we told her.
To start it off on Wednesday we got a call from President Hewlett that one of our investigators that is all good to get baptized! She had to get first presidency approval but she will be getting baptized this Sunday! She was soooo excited when we told her.
On Friday, we went to Elder Petersons district meeting and brought donuts because it was his birthday. After his meeting we went on exchanges and I went with Elder Blaker and brought him back to our area for the day. It was a ton of fun because he was my ZL a couple transfers ago so we knew each other pretty well! On exchanges we were out street contacting on our bikes and we had the craziest miracle. We ran into this guy who let us in and we were able to teach them the restoration. After we finished teaching him his whole family walked in and he taught it to them! It was super cool and we are going to be teaching that family with a member sometime this next week! They had 3 kids and all of them have their own book of mormon now!
Bowlinnnn (last Pday) |
The best part of the week was getting Art ready for his baptism. It is such a miracle that we found this kid! On Saturday his mom finally sat in on a lesson and she asked for a book of mormon. She was planning on coming to the baptism the next day and we told her she would feel that spirit and know it is true.
Sunday was super crazy because one of our investigators that was supposed to get baptized this Sunday got a call that her aunt had passed away and so she is probably going to be in Dallas for the weekend. We were able to give her a blessing so that was really cool. After that Arts mom and dad showed up for his baptism. They are divorced and neither of them are members of the church but they both still came! The program was amazing and the ward was involved so much. We had all the preists give talks, baptize him, and witness the baptism. Art bore his testiomny and said, "my testimony is that I felt a feeling like I was home when I was baptized. I know what the missionaries have taught me is true". So that was super cool and his mom felt the spirit. Our stake president, President Rascone, walked into the baptism and Arts mom was freaking out because he is the news anchor for the Houston news down here. President Rascone told Art that one day he would be able to baptize his parents and the spirit was super strong.
This week I think there is a Mormon helping hands game for the Astros. The Astros are giving 70 free tickets to all of the Stakes in the Houston area. There was a member in the Bishopric that offered his season tickets to us so I asked President and he said no. I asked what about a Rockets game to which he also said no. But it was worth a shot.
Elder Toledo on the slack line |
Elder Larson on the slack line |
We have been reading the Book of Mormon as a mission and it has been so amazing! I am on page 300. One thing I have been thinking about is how important understanding the resurrection is. Because when we understand that we will all stand before God to be judged of our works and desires that leads us to want to repent and change. I think I could do a better job teaching that to people.
Comp unity problems |
I love what the Book of Mormon teaches about Christ. Things are going well and I hope you have an amazing week! Love you all!
Elder Cameron Larson
Did you get your birthday package?
I got the birthday package!! Thank you so much! I love it. The tie is super cool and I wore it one of the days that I didn't take a picture....I will have to remember to take 1 this week.
How many baptisms do you have scheduled? When are they scheduled?
So, we have 2 that should be scheduled for this week. Irene and SJ. SJ might get moved back because of her Aunt. Next week we have one scheduled on the 7th for a girl named Sam we have been teaching
What have you learned in your leadership role as a zone leader?
I’ve learned a lot being a zone leader. I feel like I have learned a lot about how the savior ministered to people vs administered.
How often do you eat with members each week and how often to you cook your own dinners?
This week was kind of bad for meals with school ending. I think we only got fed 2 times but normally we get fed like 5 times a week
Do you get to play the piano very often?
Yes, I do get to play the piano a lot. At least every Friday and Sunday and lots on Mondays for FHE and Thursdays for institute. I will probably be playing the organ in Sacrament meeting for the YSA now. Except I don’t know how to play the organ so I just play it like a piano haha
One of my accounting students this semester went to high school with you. She recognized your picture in my office…..do you remember Aubrey Brown?
ohhh Aubrey emailed me about it haha that is super funny! I totally know her! She is super awesome and she knew a lot of my really close friends! Take good care of her!